Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection
Maintain your domain secure. Keep your personal data safe. The Whois Privacy Protection service is designed for you.

Whois Privacy Protection with GaskinTech
As a rule, your current WHOIS info is required to be available to the public and in addition absolutely legitimate. In other words you’ll need to submit your individual or enterprise information on the Internet and allow it to be readily available for everyone to find. When using the Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection service which is available from GaskinTech, it is possible to conceal all your details by applying our info instead.
One of the benefits would be that all the domain–related e–mails (transfer requests, EPP codes, and so on) can nonetheless go through, whilst undesired emails shall be blocked out.
Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs
By result of a registry–imposed limitation, our company cannot offer the Whois Privacy Protection service to all domain names out there. If a TLD works with this type of solution by registry govern, then we can offer it to you as well. Nevertheless, almost all widespread domains extensions have Whois Privacy Protection support.
These TLDs include: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co,, .me, .tv, .cc.
SSL Certificates
Buy SSL certificates completely from your CP
In case you own a shopping portal, which accepts payments, it’s imperative that you offer your visitors a dependable payment info submission area. And this is precisely where SSL certificates come into play – they encode the connection between your web site and the customer. Usually, you need to go to a third–party distributor to purchase an SSL. That isn’t the case with GaskinTech.
At GaskinTech, you can get an ordinary SSL certificate or even a wildcard SSL certificate right from your Control Panel.
Video Tutorials
Included training videos
In each and every section of GaskinTech’s web hosting Control Panel you will find a big collection of informative tutorial videos. They offer solutions to all commonly occurring problems and will explain to you the right way to complete a certain operation.
Additionally, you can check out our F.A.Q. library, which comprises exhaustive how–to guides and tutorials. Alternatively, you can get in touch with our 24/7 tech support team – the average helpdesk ticket response time is twenty minutes.
Wildcard Domains
Create a wildcard domain with simply a mouse click
With the aid of the Wildcard DNS feature, you will be able to make all your active sub–domains direct to the index page of your site. For example, if somebody types in or, they’ll see
You might need the Wildcard DNS option for a multi–site web application like WordPress or Joomla™ Multi–Site.
To activate a wildcard domain, navigate to the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel and then click the Add Host button located on the right. At the bottom of the list of options, you will notice the Wildcard Domain checkbox.
Domain Redirection
Domain redirection done simple
The domain forwarding tool that’s integrated into our web hosting Control Panel allows you to redirect a domain or a sub–domain in your account to some other site of your choice. You simply have to define the host you want to redirect as well as the preferred destination path. Our tool will handle the forwarding procedure and your domain name will start pointing to the new location instantly.
The tool has an intuitive interface, so you can forward a chosen domain or subdomain with merely a couple of clicks of the mouse instead of making intricate modifications to the .htaccess file.
Compare Our Prices
- GaskinTech will give you great deals for domain names. You’ll discover more than fifty TLDs, all available at special registration rates.
- Compare our TLD prices
TLD Details
- Find out about the TLDs our company offers. Find out what’s the minimal registration interval or if you can get Whois Privacy Protection for the domain.
- View TLD Details
Service Guarantees
- Domain name hosting accompanied by a warranted 99.9% uptime and 99.9% DNS uptime from GaskinTech
Contact Us
- Need to learn more about our Whois Privacy Protection service? Just call us or make use of the online chat option on our site. You can also use the 24x7x365 ticketing system or send us an email message. One–hour response is guaranteed.