The disk space feature shows the overall amount of information that you can have on your cloud website hosting server at one time. With a personal computer, for example, this would be the overall size of a single hdd or the full capacity of all hard disks in the event that the computer has more than 1. The same way that your space on a PC is divided between installed computer software, documents, music etc, the server hdd space is usually shared between website files, databases and email messages. Every single file, folder and email will take a little space on the server, which means you should think about various factors, not just the size of the files which you upload. To give an example, having sizeable email attachments or running a script-driven website in which the user-generated info is kept in a database will also affect the space you use.

Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting

We have created our cloud website hosting with the idea that the hard disk space won't be a setback for your sites. While many web hosting providers make accounts using a single server, and as a matter of fact, the most widespread Control Panels are designed to operate solely on this kind of platform, we've taken a different solution. We have clusters of servers that handle each part of the web hosting service, so your files are stored on a single cluster, the emails on another one,the databases using a third one, etcetera. With this cloud platform we accomplish two things - the hdd space is virtually endless considering that we're able link as many servers and hard drives to the clusters as needed, and we improve the effectiveness of each and every machine because just a single type of system processes will run on it. This custom-built setup will help you develop your web sites as you see fit without worrying about running out of hdd storage.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

With all of our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd storage characteristic is unrestricted, so you can focus on developing your web sites the way you'd like them to be and never be concerned about reaching some limit. Unlike a variety of hosting suppliers that make your accounts using one server, we use a tailor-made cloud platform, that enables us to offer you truly unrestricted hard disk space for every single account. With a single machine, there're only so many HDDs that you can use, not mentioning that the most popular hosting Control Panels are not intended to work with multiple servers simultaneously. Our system, in contrast, incorporates clusters of servers for the website databases, files and emails, and our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We can install as many servers to all of the clusters as required at any given time, so the hard disk space is practically unlimited.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

All of our VPS servers come with disk space quotas proportional to the computing power that you receive with each and every plan. Getting a greater plan, for example, the chances are greater that you'll host a large number of domains or just a single huge website, so the hard disk space will increase as you upgrade the plan. When you use our Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all domains will share the storage, while if you use cPanel or DirectAdmin, you can make separate website hosting accounts and allocate a pre-defined amount of the overall VPS storage space for each specific site. You will even be able to share out hdd space from one domain to another if necessary. When you acquire a particular VPS plan and you need extra storage at some point, you'll be able to update to a greater plan with just a few clicks from your billing area. The extra resources will be placed in your existing plan without any server downtime or content migration.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

The minimum amount of HDD storage available when you use our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You'll have 2 separate hard disk drives, 250 gigabytes each, and it'll be up to you the way you will share out this storage space. You can have the hard drives in RAID, so that all of your content will always be protected as one drive will function as a real-time mirror of the other one, or perhaps you can make them operate independently, so as to use the full storage volume that'll be at your disposal. The hard disk space of all our dedicated servers will do for everything - massive Internet shops, data depository portal, individual archive clone, and many other things. We'll never keep back your websites in terms of the storage space they use. When that they start increasing, we give you the possibility to add further drives to your current server when needed. When you obtain the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you can set up a different account for every single hosted domain name and set a hard disk storage space quota for it. Using Hepsia all domain names will be hosted in a single and they will share the total server storage.